20.03. Biomedical Engineering

Organization name
20.03. Biomedical Engineering
Çetin, Sevilay - Eski
Parent OrgUnit

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 81-100 of 300 (Search time: 0.039 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
822023Drug interaction potential of Ankaferd blood stopper? in human hepatocarcinoma cellsSemiz, Aslı 
832009Drug interaction potential of the seed extract of Urtica urens L. (dwarf nettle)Ağuş, Hızlan Hıncal.; Tekin, P.; Bayav, M.; Semiz, Aslı. ; Şen, Alaattin. 
842017Effect of substrate temperature on the transport mechanisms of polycrystalline CdIn2te4 thin films grown by thermal evaporationYılmaz, Koray ; Gölcür, D.; Özcan, Yusuf ; Takanoğlu Bulut ,Duygu; Karabulut, Orhan 
852019The effect of the position of compression screw in plate-screws method used in fracture treatment on fatigue strength of jointKutlubay, Ramazan Çağrı ; Şekercioğlu, Tezcan ; Yörükoğlu, Ali Çağdaş 
862014The effect of Tween-80 on the differentiation of Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Trichophyton rubrum strains with FT-IR spectroscopyErgin, Çağrı ; İlkit, Mehmet Nacit; Gök, Yaşar ; Çon, Ahmet Hilmi ; Özel, Mustafa Zafer ; Kabay, Nilgün ; Döğen, Aylin; Bayğu, Yasemin 
8710-Nov-2018An effective non-enzymatic biosensor platform based on copper nanoparticles decorated by sputtering on CVD grapheneSoğancı, Tuğba; Ayrancı, Rukiye; Harputlu, Ersan; Ocakoglu, Kasim; Acet, Mehmet; Farle, Michael; Unlu, Cumhur Gokhan 
882019Effects of ankaferd hemostat on helicobacter pylori strains and antibiotic resistancÇiftçiler, R.; Koluman, A. ; Haznedaroğlu, İ.C.; Akar, N.
892011Effects of Cyclamen trochopteranthum on hepatic drug-metabolizing enzymesArslan, Şevki ; Özgün, Özden ; Çelik, Gurbet ; Semiz, Aslı ; Düşen, Olcay ; Mammadov, Ramazan ; Şen, Alaattin 
902018Effects of different fibers on the quality of chicken meatballsGolge, O.; Kılınççeker, O.; Koluman, Ahmet 
912011Effects of ellagic acid on CYP2E1, CYP1A1, CYP1A2, NQO1 and GSTMu enzymes in ratŞen, Alaattin ; Çelik, Gurbet ; Semiz, Aslı ; Karakurt, S; Adali, O
122007Effects of metals and detergents on biotransformation and detoxification enzymes of leaping mullet (Liza saliens)Şen, Alaattin. ; Semiz, Aslı. 
132023Efficiency Performance Evaluation of A Second Stage GaN Based High Frequency Inverter for ElectrosurgeryTarinç, H.; Çetin, S. 
142022An Efficient Wireless Power Transfer System for An Implantable Deep Brain StimulationCetin S. ; Yenil V. ; Dere U.A. 
152024An Electrochemical Immuno-cytosensor Modified with Nanofibers for the Determination of a Carcinoembryonic AntigenYıldızbakan, Zehra; Altuntas, Derya Bal; Nalkıran, Hatice Sevim; Aslan, Sema; Mamuk, Atilla Eren; Koçak, Çağdaş; Kurt, Şeymanur; Nalkiran, İhsan; Yener, Çiğdem; Ünlü, C. Gökhan 
162018Electrochemical, Structural and Magnetic Analysis of Electrodeposited CoCu/Cu Multilayers: Influence of Cu Layer Deposition PotentialTekgül, A.; Kockar, H.; Kuru, H.; Alper, M.; Ünlü, Cumhur Gökhan 
172022The Electronic Behavior and Mechanical Characteristics of CuGa5S8Erkişi, Aytaç ; Özcan, Yusuf 
182021Enhancement of direct electron transfer in graphene bioelectrodes containing novel cytochrome c(553) variants with optimized heme orientationIzzo, Miriam; Osella, Silvio; Jacquet, Margot; Kiliszek, Malgorzata; Harputlu, Ersan; Starkowska, Alicja; Lasica, Anna; Unlu, C. Gokhan ; Uspienski, Tomasz; Niewiadomski, Pawel; Bartosik, Dariusz; Trzaskowski, Bartosz; Ocakoglu, Kasim; Kargul, Joanna
192013Epilobium hirsutum alters xenobiotic metabolizing CYP1A1, CYP2E1, NQO1 and GPx activities, mRNA and protein levels in ratsKarakurt, S.; Semiz, Aslı ; Çelik, Gurbet ; Gencler-Ozkan, A.M.; Sen, A. ; Adali, O.
202014Erratum to "A comparative study for the evaluation of two doses of ellagic acid on hepatic drug metabolizing and antioxidant enzymes in the rat"Çelik, Gurbet ; Semiz, Aslı ; Karakurt, Serdar; Arslan, Şevki ; Adalı, Orhan; Şen, Alaattin