35.01. Foreign Languages

Organization name
35.01. Foreign Languages

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 21-40 of 151 (Search time: 0.06 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
212018A deep ecological reading of Yaşar Kemal’s The Birds Have Also GoneAkyol, Özlem 
2210-Jun-2021Dehümanizasyonun gölgesinde, korporatizmin hizmetinde bir posthümanizm vizyonu: RoboCopTan, Cenk 
23Sep-2016Demotivation factors for EFL teachers: Case studiesTaşçı, Çağla 
242022Deneyimsiz Türk Yazarların İngilizce Akademik Yazma Hatalarına DerlemOdaklı Bir BakışAltun, Hatice 
252007Denizli ilköğretim okullarında okul-çever ilişkileri üzerine öğretmen görüşleriKara, Ceren 
262013Diabetes care, glycemic control, complications, and concomitant autoimmune diseases in children with type 1 diabetes in Turkey: A multicenter studyŞimsek, D.G.; Aycan, Z.; Özen, S.; Çetinkaya, S.; Kara, C. ; Abali, S.; Demir, K.
272020Dil öğretiminde öğrenci tutum ve davranışlarının göstergebilimsel ve edimbilimsel incelenmesiAyhan, Yusuf Ziya 
825-Oct-2020Dilbilgisi öğretiminde eğitim bilimsel yaklaşımlarÇetinkaya, Gökhan ; Yolcusoy, Özlem 
92020Discovering self-efficacy beliefs of efl learners and the relationship between self-efficacy and academic achievementHöl, Devrim ; Güç, Funda 
102021DİLLER ARASI GEÇİŞLİLİK (TRANSLANGUAGING): ÇIKARIMLAR VE TÜRKİYE BAĞLAMINDA ARTAN İHTİYAÇ Türkiye’deki Yazma Derslerindeki Etkilerine İlişkin İçgörülerAltun, Hatice 
112021Do the personality traits of teacher candidates predict the perception of self-efficacy and alienation from school?Sarı, Tamer ; Atik, Servet; Çelik, Osman Tayyar 
1223-Mar-2022Dualism and materialism in Gregory David Roberts’ ShantaramTan, Cenk 
132022Dubious battle in 'otherness': Pride or shameAltun H. 
1431-Dec-2021Dupin, the purloiner of the purloined letter: A hero? or a plagiarist?Serdar, Hamd Ali; Tan, Cenk 
152019An ecocritical study of J.G. Ballard’s climate fiction novelsTan, Cenk 
1625-Mar-2021An Ecofeminist Interpretation of J.G. Ballard’s The Drowned WorldTan, Cenk 
1715-Dec-2020An ecofeminist reading of Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness and Chinua Achebe's Things Fall ApartTan, Cenk 
1821-Jun-2020An ecofeminist study of the anthropocene age in David Mitchell’s Cloud AtlasTan, Cenk 
19Feb-2019Ecological heterotopias in Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere and China Mieville's Perdido Street StationAkyol, Özlem 
202021An Ecosocial Reading of Slow Violence in Latife Tekin's Manves CityAkyol, Ozlem