Browsing by Department 08.07. International Trade and Finance

Showing results 1 to 100 of 141  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Analyzing the efficient market hypothesis with asymmetric persistence in cryptocurrencies: Insights from the Fourier non-linear quantile unit root approachKılıç, Emre; Yavuz, Ersin ; Pazarcı, Şevket; Kar, Asım 
2023Are stress-tested banks in the United States becoming similar? evidence from convergence testsKırımhan, Destan; Nazlıoğlu, Saban ; Payne, James E.
2023Asymmetric effects of exchange rate on bilateral tourism trade balance: evidence from TurkeyÖlmez, Fevzi; Durusu-Çiftçi, Dilek 
2022Asymmetric Fisher effect in inflation targeting emerging markets: evidence from quantile co-integrationNazlioglu S. ; Gurel S. ; Gunes S. ; Kilic E.
2023Asymmetric persistence in Turkish interest and inflation rates: New evidence from quantile unit root test with structural shiftsNazlıoglu, Şaban ; Pınar Gürel, Sinem ; Güneş, Sevcan ; Karul, Çağın 
2014The behavior of Turkish exchange rates: A panel data perspectiveAdiguzel, U.; Sahbaz, A.; Ozcan, C.C.; Nazlıoğlu, Şaban 
2024Borsa İstanbul elektrik endeksi pay senetlerinde etkin piyasalar hipotezi: gelişmiş fonksiyonlu birim kök testlerinden ampirik kanitlarVarol, Osman ; Pazarcı, Şevket; Kar, Asım 
2018Brics-t ülkelerinde toplam faktör verimliliği ve teknoloji transferiKargın Akkoç, Gamze; Akkoç, Uğur ; Fikirli Yücel, Özlem
2022Comparing Technology Acceptance for Electric Vehicles-A Comparative Study in Turkey and GermanyÖztürk, Nazan Ozdemir ; Barutcu, Süleyman 
2023The convergence dynamics of economic freedom across US statesPayne, James E.; Saunoris, James W.; Nazlıoğlu, Saban ; Karul, Çağın 
2021Convergence in OPEC carbon dioxide emissions: Evidence from new panel stationarity tests with factors and breaks*Nazlioglu, Saban ; Payne, James E.; Lee, Junsoo; Rayos-Velazquez, Marco; Karul, Cagin 
2019Convergence of Crime in Turkey: Time Series Analysis with Accounting Structural BreaksDurusu-Çiftçi, Dilek ; Kargın Akkoç, Gamze
2022Convergence of oil consumption: A historical perspective with new conceptsNazlioglu S. ; Kassouri Y.; Kucukkaplan I. ; Soytas U.
2014Çok uluslu şirketlerin marka adı ve slogan kullanımında standardizasyon dereceleri: Türkiye ve Orta Doğu incelemesiKantar, Murat 
2013Determinants of new vehicle registrations in EU countries: A panel cointegration analysisErdem, C.; Nazlıoğlu, Şaban 
2018Do international relative commodity prices support the prebisch-singer hypothesis? A nonlinear panel unit root testingAslan, M.; Nazlıoğlu, Şaban 
2019Do stock markets follow a random walk? New evidence for an old questionDurusu-Çiftci, Dilek ; İspir, Mustafa Serdar ; Kök, Dündar 
2020Does beauty have a price? The impact of a conceptualization of beauty on the price placebo effect in Turkey compared to New ZealandKadirov, Djavlonbek; Raju, Charleen; Bardakcı, Ahmet ; Madak, Nazan ; Saud Khan, Mohammad
2019Does Bitcoin act as a hedge: Evidence from TurkeyAkkoc G.K.; Akkoc U. 
2014Does fiscal policy matter for trade balance in the OECD countries? Panel vector error correction estimationAslan, M.; Buyrukoglu, S.; Öz, Ersan ; Nazlıoğlu, Şaban 
2019Does income converge in Turkey? An empirical assessmentDurusu Çiftçi, Dilek ; Nazlıoğlu, Şaban 
2019Dynamic linkages between strategic commodities and stock market in Turkey: Evidence from SVAR-DCC-GARCH modelAkkoç, Uğur ; Civcir, I.
2023The Dynamics and Determinants of Economic Crimes in TürkiyeKargin Akkoç, Gamze; Durusu Çiftçi, Dilek 
2020Dynamics of suicide in turkey: An empirical analysisAkyuz, M.; Karul, Çağın ; Nazlıoğlu, Şaban 
2022Economic freedom, foreign direct investment, and economic growth: The role of sub-components of freedomCiftci, Cemil ; Durusu-Ciftci, Dilek 
2023Economic policy uncertainty and international tourist arrivals: A disaggregated analysis of the Croatian Adriatic coastPayne J.E.; Nazlioglu S. ; Mervar A.
2023Economic Policy Uncertainty, COVID-19, and Tourist Stays in Croatia: Evidence from a Fourier Toda-Yamamoto Modeling ApproachPayne J.E.; Nazlıoğlu, Şaban ; Mervar A.; Niroomand F.
2023The Effect of Exchange Rate Volatility on Import: Evidence From Emerging MarketsPeştere Akçay, Müge ; Akçay, Fatih 
2014Effect of investor sentiment on stock marketsBolaman Avcı, Özge ; Mandacı Evrim, Pınar
2023Efficient market hypothesis in emerging stock markets: gradual shifts and common factors in panel dataNazlıoğlu, Saban ; Pazarcı, Şevket; Kar, Asım ; Varol, Osman 
2014Electricity consumption and economic growth in Turkey: Cointegration, linear and nonlinear granger causalityNazlioglu, S. ; Kayhan, S.; Adiguzel, U.
2017Elma Üretimi Maliyet Analizi Denizli Çivril ÖrneğiAvşarlıgil, Nuri ; Demir, Hakan ; Yeşilyayla, Hamid 
2007Entropy measure to compare the Internet and face to face surveysBardakcı, Ahmet ; Balce, Andım Oben ; Kantar, Murat ; Kalburan, Çetin ; Haşıloğlu, Selçuk Burak 
2023Environmental, Social, and Governance Considerations in WTI Financialization through Energy FundsGörmüş, A.; Nazlioglu, Şaban ; Beach, S.L.
2024ESG impact on oil and natural gas financialization through price transmissionGörmüş, Alper; Nazlıoglu, Şaban ; Gormus, Elif
2017Examination Of The Relationship Between Financial Development And Economic Growth: Case Of TurkeyBolaman Avcı, Özge 
2015Exchange rate and oil price interactions in transition economies: Czech republic, Hungary and PolandBayat, T.; Nazlıoğlu, Şaban ; Kayhan, S.
2022Exchange rate volatility and export in Turkey: Does the nexus vary across the type of commodity?Tarakci, Dogukan; Olmez, Fevzi; Durusu-Ciftci, Dilek 
2013Exchange rate volatility and Turkish industry-level export: Panel cointegration analysisNazlıoğlu, Şaban 
2011Exchange rates and Turkish fresh fruits and vegetables trade with the EU countries: Bilateral trade data analysisNazlıoğlu, Şaban ; Erdem, E.
2019The Finance-Growth Nexus in the High Performance Asian Economies: A Bootstrap Panel Causality AnalysisDurusu Çiftçi, Dilek 
2017Financial development and economic growth Sometheory and more evidenceDurusu-Ciftci, Dilek ; İspir, Mustafa Serdar ; Yetkiner, Hakan
2020Financial development and energy consumption in emerging markets: Smooth structural shifts and causal linkagesDurusu-Çiftçi, Dilek ; Soytas, U.; Nazlıoğlu, Şaban 
2014Financial development, trade openness and economic growth in African countries: New insights from a panel causality approachMenyah, K.; Nazlıoğlu, Şaban ; Wolde-Rufael, Y.
2022Financial market integration of emerging markets: Heavy tails, structural shifts, nonlinearity, and asymmetric persistenceNazlioglu S. ; Kucukkaplan I. ; Kilic E.; Altuntas M.
2012The financial sector and poverty in the MENA countriesKar, M.; Güloğlu, Bülent ; Nazlioglu, S. ; Agir, H.
2021Firma değerlemesi ve değer sürücülerinin analizi: Borsa İstanbul otomotiv üretim firmaları üzerine bir uygulamaVarol, Osman 
2023G-8 Ülkelerinde Etkin Piyasa Hipotezinin Test Edilmesi: Fourier Kırılmalı Birim Kök Testlerinden Yeni KanıtlarKüçükkaplan, İlhan ; Kılıç, Emre; Pazarcı, Şevket; Kar, Asım 
Jan-2019Güçlü ekonomiye geçiş programı sonrası Türkiye’de banka kârlılığının belirleyicileriÇiftçi, Cemil ; Durusu Çiftçi, Dilek 
2018Güncel yöntemlerle çıktı açığının hesaplanması: Türki̇ye uygulamasıAkkoç, Uğur 
2018The heterogeneous impact of taxation on economic development: New insights from a panel cointegration approachDurusu-Çiftçi, Dilek ; Gokmenoglu, K.K.; Yetkiner, H.
2018High-yield bond and energy marketsGormus, A.; Nazlıoğlu, Şaban ; Soytas, U.
2021Household Level Inflation Rates and Inflation Inequality in TurkeyAkkoç, Uğur ; Kızılırmak, Burca
2023How Effective is the Asymmetric Structure on the Pathway to Fiscal Sustainability? Rethinking on TürkiyeYavuz, Ersin ; Kılıç, Emre; Kar, Asim ; Pazarci, Şevket
2024Identifying the nexus between financial stability and economic growth: the role of stability indicatorsKurtoglu, B.; Durusu-Ciftci, D. 
Jun-2016The impact of accounting-based information on the financial beta: Case for cement industry in TurkeyAygören, Hakan ; İplikçi, Serdar ; Küçükkaplan, İlhan ; Uyar, Umut 
Mar-2018The impact of linguistic proximity and diglossia on brand name and slogan extension tendencies in the Turkish, Russian and Arabic contextsDjavlonbek, Kadirov; Bardakcı, Ahmet ; Kantar, Murat 
2020Income convergence in indian districts: New evidence from panel stationarity test with finite time dimensionMisra, B.S.; Kar, M.; Nazlıoğlu, Şaban ; Karul, Çağın 
2024Income convergence of Indian states in the post-reform period: evidence from panel stationarity tests with smooth structural breaksMisra, Biswa Swarup; Kar, Muhsin; Nazlıoğlu, Şaban ; Karul, Çağın 
2023Indirect Tax Burden and Progressivity of Indirect Taxes in TurkeyAkkoc, Ugur ; Gemicioglu, Selçuk; Kızılırmak, Burca
2022Inflation forecasting in an emerging economy: selecting variables with machine learning algorithmsOzgur, Onder; Akkoc, Ugur 
2019International trade and energy interactions in the G7 countriesDurusu Çiftçi, Dilek 
2024The Interrelationship Between Corruption, Economic Growth, and Trade: Do They Grease or Sand Each Other's Wheels?Kargin-Akkoc, Gamze; Durusu-Ciftci, Dilek 
2013The interrelatıonship between domestic sales and export: The case of Turkish manufacturing sector 1996-2010Çiftçi, Cemil ; Çiftçi, Dilek Durusu 
2023Is there a macroeconomic carbon rebound effect in EU ETS?Bolat, C.K.; Soytas, U.; Akinoglu, B.; Nazlioglu, S. 
2018Is there an optimal level of housing wealth in the long-run? Theory and evidenceYetkiner, H.; Nazlıoğlu, Şaban 
2023İki Başkan Tek Kural: TCBM’nin Taylor Tipi Reaksiyon Fonksiyonu TahminiPazarcı, Şevket; Akkoç, Uğur 
2013İstanbul menkul kıymetler borsasında işlem gören üretim firmalarının piyasa değerini açıklayan içsel değişkenler: Panel verilerle sektörel bir analizKüçükkaplan, İlhan 
2021İstasyonsuz Bisiklet Paylaşım Sistemlerinin Yükselişi ve Düşüşü ÜzerineMadak, Nazan ; Bardakçı, Ahmet 
2012İşletme sermayesi unsurlarının firma değeri ve karlılığı üzerindeki etkisinin İmkb'de iş lem gören üretim firmalarında 2000 2009 dönemi için analiziÇakır, Hafize Meder ; Küçükkaplan, İlhan 
2022Johansen-type cointegration tests with a Fourier functionPascalau R.; Lee J.; Nazlioglu S. ; Lu Y.
2017Kaleiçi: sorunlar ve çözüm önerileri hakkında kısa bir değerlendirmeBardakcı, Ahmet ; Baran, Tamer ; Kantar, Murat 
2012Küresel finansal kriz ışığında Avrupa borç krizi ve kredi temerrüt swapları ilişkisiDurusu Çiftçi, Dilek ; Çeviş, İsmail 
2019Leisure Time Demand and Determinants in TurkeyGemicioğlu, Selçuk; Akkoç, Uğur 
2010The macroeconomy and Turkish agricultural trade balance with the EU countries: Panel ARDL analysisErdem, Ekrem; Güloğlu, Bülent ; Nazlioglu, S. 
2023The Marketing Ecoverse: A Sustainable Confluence of Business, Social, and Natural EcosystemsKadirov, Djavlonbek; Bardakcı, Ahmet ; Madak Öztürk, Nazan ; Allayarova, Nilufar
2020Movements in international bond markets: The role of oil pricesNazlıoğlu, Şaban ; Gupta, R.; Bouri, E.
2024Nelson and Plosser revisited: macroeconomic and financial stability of TurkeyNazlıoğlu, Şaban ; Tarakçı, Doğukan; Kılıç Emre
2021Non-linear ARDL approach to the oil-stock nexus: Detailed sectoral analysis of the Turkish stock marketCivcir, Irfan; Akkoc, Ugur 
2011Nuclear energy consumption and economic growth in OECD countries: Cross-sectionally dependent heterogeneous panel causality analysisNazlıoğlu, Şaban ; Lebe, F.; Kayhan, S.
2020Oil and agricultural commodity pricesNazlioglu, S 
2012Oil price, agricultural commodity prices, and the dollar: A panel cointegration and causality analysisNazlıoğlu, Şaban ; Soytas, U.
2015Oil prices and financial stress: A volatility spillover analysisNazlıoğlu, Şaban ; Soytas, U.; Gupta, R.
2019Oil Prices and Monetary Policy in Emerging Markets: Structural Shifts in Causal LinkagesNazlıoğlu, Şaban ; Görmüş, Alper; Soytaş, Uğur
2016Oil prices and real estate investment trusts (REITs): Gradual-shift causality and volatility transmission analysisNazlıoğlu, Şaban ; Gormus, N.A.; Soytas, U.
Jul-2020Online pazar yerlerinde tüketici yorumlarının hacim ve değerliklerinin satışlar üzerindeki etkisiKantar, Murat 
2017A panel stationarity test with gradual structural shifts: Re-investigate the international commodity price shocksNazlıoğlu, Şaban ; Karul, Çağın 
2023The permanent or transitory nature of shocks to tourism expenditures and receipts: Evidence from new panel stationarity tests with breaks and factorsPayne, James E.; Nazlioglu, Saban 
2023Politik Risk ile Genişletilmiş Çekim Modeli: Türkiye’nin İkili Ticareti için Bir UygulamaÇoban, Begüm; Akkoç, Uğur 
2022PPP in emerging markets: evidence from Fourier non-linear quantile unit root analysisNazlioglu, Saban ; Altuntas, Mehmet; Kilic, Emre
2020Price and volatility linkages between international REITs and oil marketsNazlıoğlu, Şaban ; Gupta, R.; Gormus, A.; Soytas, U.
2023Productivity convergence in international trade: The role of industrial-based policiesNazlioglu, S. ; Huseyni, İ.; Tunc, A.; Payne, J.E.
2022Purchasing power parity in GIIPS countries: evidence from unit root tests with breaks and non-linearityNazlıoğlu, Saban ; Altuntaş, Mehmet; Kilic, Emre; Kucukkaplan, Ilhan 
2014Re-examining the Turkish stock market efficiency: Evidence from nonlinear unit root testsGozbasi, O.; Küçükkaplan, İlhan ; Nazlıoğlu, Şaban 
2023Regional tourism convergence: a disaggregated analysis of CroatiaPayne J.E.; Nazlioglu S. ; Mervar A.