Showing results 1 to 20 of 76
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2009 | Acute ST segment elevation myocardial infarction after sulbactam-ampicilllin induced anaphylactic shock in an adult with significant coronary artery disease: A case report | Kılıç, Doğu İsmail. ; Evrengül, Harun ; Özcan, Ali Vefa. ; Tanrıverdi, Halil ; Çağlıyan, Ömer ; Kaftan, Asuman |
1999 | Akut Q dalga miyokard infarktüslü kişilerde perikardiyal effüzyon ve oluşumu ile ilgili faktörler | Kaftan, H. Asuman ; Yalçın, Fatih; Erbaş, Sakine; Sabah, İrfan |
2005 | Angiotensin-converting enzyme polymorphism in healthy young subjects: Relationship to left ventricular mass and functions | Dursunoğlu, Dursun ; Evrengül, H.; Tanriverdi, Halil ; Turgut, G.; Genç, O.; Kaftan, Havane Asuman ; Kilic, M. |
2005 | Angiotensin-converting enzyme polymorphism in Turkish male athletes: Relationship to left ventricular mass and function | Dursunoğlu, Dursun ; Tanrıverdi, Halil ; Evrengul, H.; Turgut, G.; Turgut, S. ; Genç, O.; Kaftan, H.A. |
2006 | The antiarrhythmic effect and clinical consequences of ischemic preconditioning | Evrengül, Harun. ; Seleci, Deniz.; Tanrıverdi, Halil. ; Kaftan, Asuman. |
2008 | Aortic stiffness and flow-mediated dilatation in normotensive offspring of parents with history of hypertension. Non-invasive indicators of atherosclerosis | Evrengül, Harun ; Tanriverdi, H ; Dursunoglu, D; Kilic, ID ; Kaftan, HA ; Kilic, M |
2012 | Aortic stiffness and flow-mediated dilatation in normotensive offspring of parents with hypertension | Evrengül, Harun ; Tanriverdi, H. ; Kilic, I.D.; Dursunoglu, D. ; Özcan, Emin Evren; Kaftan, A. ; Kilic, M. |
2006 | Aortic stiffness, flow-mediated dilatation and carotid intima-media thickness in obstructive sleep apnea: Non-invasive indicators of atherosclerosis | Tanrıverdi, Halil. ; Evrengül, Harun. ; Kara, Cüneyt Orhan. ; Kuru, Ömür.; Tanrıverdi, Seyhan.; Pekcan, Sibel. ; Kaftan, Havane Asuman. |
2004 | Assessment of left ventricular functions by atrioventricular plane displacement and conventional methods in patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus | Dursunoğlu, Dursun ; Evrengül H.; Polat B.; Tanriverdi H. ; Kaftan A. ; Kiliç M. |
2004 | Assessment of systolic function by atrioventricular plane displacement in patients with diastolic dysfunction | Dursunoglu, Dursun. ; Polat, Bülent.; Evrengül, Harun. ; Tanriverdi, Halil. ; Kaftan, Asuman. ; Kılıç, Mustafa. |
2006 | An asymptomatic case with single atrium | Kaftan, H. Asuman ; Tanrıverdi, Halil ; Kuru, Oemuer; Bir, Levent Sinan |
1999 | Beyiniçi kanamalarda EKG'de QT dispersiyonu | Oğuzhanoğlu, Atilla ; Kaftan, Asuman ; Kurt İncesu, Tülay; Şahiner, Türker; Akalın, Oktay |
2004 | Bilateral diagonal earlobe crease and coronary artery disease: A significant association | Evrengül, Harun ; Dursunoglu, Dursun. ; Kaftan, Asuman. ; Zoghi, M.; Tanriverdi, Halil. ; Zungur, M.; Kılıç, Mustafa |
1999 | Büyüme hormonu ( growth hormone ): Dilate kardiyomiyopatide yeni bir tedavi seçeneği | Kaftan, H. Asuman ; Kılıç, Mustafa |
2001 | Cardiovascular safety of cocaine anaesthesia in the presence of adrenaline during septal surgery | Kara, Cüneyt Orhan ; Kaftan, Asuman ; Atalay, Habip ; Pınar, Hilmi Şafak; Ögmen, Gülsen |
2006 | Carotid intima-media thickness in coronary slow flow: Relationship with plasma homocysteine levels | Tanriverdi, Halil ; Evrengul, H.; Tanriverdi, S.; Kuru, O.; Seleci, D.; Enli, Yaşar ; Kaftan, Asuman |
2016 | Chitotriosidase enzyme can be a negative acute phase protein in acuteheart failure unlike coronary artery diseases [2016] | Sanlialp, S. Sara Cetin; Yildiz, B. S.; Barutcuoglu, B.; Sanlialp, Musa ; Ergin, A. ; Evrengul, H.; Kaftan, H. A. |
2006 | Cigarette smoking induced oxidative stress may impair endothelial function and coronary blood flow in angiographically normal coronary arteries | Tanriverdi, Halil ; Evrengül, Harun ; Kuru, Ömür; Tanrıverdi, Seyhan; Seleci, Deniz; Enli, Yaşar ; Kaftan, H. Asuman |
2000 | Coronary artery disease and infection with chlamydia pneumonia | Kaftan, Asuman H. ; Kaftan, Osman |
2019 | Detection of the 5HT2C polymorphism in myocardial infarction and cardiovascular event patients | Açıkbaş, İbrahim ; Er Urgancı, Ayşen Buket ; Dursunoğlu, Dursun ; Kaftan, Asuman |