Browsing by Author Seçme, Mücahit

Showing results 1 to 20 of 73  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Adipose derived mesenchymal stem cell treatment in experimental asherman syndrome induced ratsÇil, Nazlı ; Yaka, Mutlu ; Ünal, Murat Serkant ; Dodurga, Yavuz ; Tan, Semih ; Seçme, Mücahit ; Karagür, Ege Rıza
2022Analysis of Differences in DNA Damage and Repair Efficacy in Lymphocytes of Patients with Bipolar DisorderMart, Gökçe ; Ateşci, Feride Figen ; Mart, Mehmet ; Seçme, Mücahit ; Dodurga, Yavuz ; Albuz, Burcu 
2022Analysis of Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein and Ubiquitin C-Terminal Hydrolase L1 in Postmortem Serum and Cerebrospinal Fluid in Traumatic Cerebral DeathsKurtuluş Dereli, Ayşe ; Seçme, Mücahit ; Acar, Kemalettin 
2018The anti-cancer effects of vitamin D in MDAH 2774 ovarian cancer cellsSeçme, Mücahit ; Çil, Nazlı ; Dodurga, Yavuz ; Kabukçu, Cihan ; Tural, E; Fenkci, V; Abban-Mete, Gülçin 
2016Anti-proliferative and anti-invasive effects of ferulic acid in TT medullary thyroid cancer cells interacting with URG4/URGCPDodurga, Yavuz ; Eroğlu, C.; Seçme, Mücahit ; Elmas, Levent ; Avcı, Ç.B.; Şatıroğlu-Tufan, Naciye Lale 
2016Anti-tumor effects of bemiparin in HepG2 and MIA PaCa-2 cellsAlur, İhsan; Dodurga, Yavuz ; Seçme, Mücahit ; Elmas, Levent ; Bağcı, Gülseren ; Gökşin, İbrahim ; Avcı, Ç.B.
2023Anticancer Effects of Alpha-lipoic Acid on A172 and U373 Human Glioblastoma CellsMutlu, Doğukan; Seçme, Mücahit ; Arslan, Şevki 
2016Antidiabetic exendin-4 activates apoptotic pathway and inhibits growth of breast cancer cellsFidan-Yaylalı, Güzin ; Dodurga, Yavuz ; Seçme, Mücahit ; Elmas, Levent 
2020Antioxidant activity, phytochemical composition of Andricus tomentosus and its antiproliferative effect on Mia-Paca2 cell lineKılınçarslan Aksoy, Özge; Mammadov, R.; Seçme, Mücahit 
2022Antioxidant and anti-proliferative activities of different parts of Cyclamen ciliciumTuran, Murat; Mammadov, Ramazan ; Seçme, Mücahit 
2017Assessment of the antimicrobial, antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of the wild edible mushroom Agaricus lanipes (F.H. Møller & Jul. Schäff.) HlavácekKaygusuz, Oğuzhan ; Kaygusuz, Meruyert ; Dodurga, Yavuz ; Seçme, Mücahit ; Herken, Emine Nur ; Gezer, Kutret 
2021Boric acid as a promising agent in the treatment of ovarian cancer: Molecular mechanismsCabus, Umit ; Secme, Mucahit ; Kabukcu, Cihan ; Cil, Nazli ; Dodurga, Yavuz ; Mete, Gulcin ; Fenkci, Ibrahim Veysel 
2018The Combination Effect of Ferulic Acid and Gemcitabine on Expression of Genes Related Apoptosis and Metastasis in PC-3 Prostate Cancer CellsEroğlu, Canan; Avcı, Ebru; Seçme, Mucahit ; Dodurga, Yavuz ; Vural, Hasibe; Kurar, Ercan
2016Combination of ferulic acid and gemcitabine affects expression of some apoptotic genes in PC-3 human prostate cancer cellsAvci, E ; Eroglu, C; Cinar, I; Secme, M ; Dodurga, Yavuz ; Vural, H; Kurar, E
2017The Cytotoxic and Genotoxic Effects of Daidzein in Ht-29 Human Colon Adenocarcinoma CellsGundogdu, G ; Dodurga, Yavuz ; Cetin, M; Secme, M ; Cicek, B
2017The cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of daidzein in mia paca-2 human pancreatic carcinoma cellsGundogdu, G ; Dodurga, Yavuz ; Cetin, M; Secme, M ; Cicek, B
2018The cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of daidzein on MIA PaCa-2 human pancreatic carcinoma cells and HT-29 human colon cancer cellsGündoğdu, G. ; Dodurga, Yavuz ; Çetin, M.; Seçme, Mücahit ; Çiçek, B.
2022Cytotoxic, Genotoxic, Apoptotic, Oxidant and Antioxidant Effects of Thymol on Hep-G2 Cell LineAltintas, Fatih ; Ata, Melek Tunc ; Secme, Mucahit ; Kucukatay, Vural 
11-Oct-2012Dalyan-İztuzu Kumsalı’nda deniz kaplumbağası (Caretta caretta) yuvalarının korunması için geliştirilen kafesleme yöntemiSeçme, Mücahit ; Sezgin, Çisem; Tıraş, Fatih; Elbir, Sevil; Fak, Çiğdem; Polat, Fatih; Azmaz, Musa 
12-Apr-2019Deneysel olarak asherman sendromu oluşturulan sıçanlarda adipoz doku kaynaklı mezenkimal kök hücre tedavisiÇil, Nazlı ; Yaka, Mutlu ; Ünal, Murat Serkant ; Dodurga, Yavuz ; Akça, Hakan ; Tan, Semih ; Seçme, Mücahit