14.03. Basic Medical Sciences

Organization name
14.03. Basic Medical Sciences
Parent OrgUnit

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 1601-1620 of 1755 (Search time: 0.028 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
16012020Subdural hematoma evacuation via rigid endoscopy system: A cadaveric studyYakar, Fatih ; Egemen, Emrah ; Dere, Ümit Akın ; Celtikci E; Doğruel, Yücel ; Şahinoğlu, Defne ; Cuneyit I ; Bakirarar, Batuhan; Adıgüzel, Esat ; Coşkun, Erdal 
16022017The subscales and short forms of the dizziness handicap inventory: are they useful for comparison of the patient groups?Ardıç, Fazıl Necdet ; Tümkaya, Funda ; Akdağ, B. ; Şenol, Hande 
32011A successful model for conservation and habitat management in Dalyan beach, Turkey: it was reached the highest number of nestsBaşkale, Eyup ; Seçme, Mücahit ; Sezgin, Çisem; Cedetaş, Meliha; Sarı, Fikret ; Kaska, Yakup 
42008Successful treatment of a patient with multidrug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii meningitis with high dose ampicillin-sulbactamSayın Kutlu, Selda ; Saçar, S.; Süzer, T. ; Cevahir, Nural ; Ökke, D.; Dirgen Çaylak, S.; Turgut, Hüseyin 
52007Successful treatment of multidrug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii meningitisSacar, Suzan; Turgut, Hüseyin ; Cenger, D. Hircin; Coskun, E. ; Asan, A. ; Kaleli, I. 
62020Succinivibrionaceae is dominant family in fecal microbiota of Behçet’s Syndrome patients with uveitisTecer, D.; Gogus, F.; Kalkanci, A.; Erdogan, M.; Hasanreisoglu, M.; Ergin, Çağrı ; Karakan, T.
72012Sulfite leads to neuron loss in the hippocampus of both normal and SOX-deficient ratsKocamaz, Erdoğan ; Adıgüzel, Esat ; Er, Buket; Gündoğdu, Gülşah ; Küçükatay, Vural 
82019The sulfite molecule enhances homocysteine toxicity in SH-SY5Y cellsGundogdu, G. ; Dodurga, Yavuz ; Küçükatay, Vural 
92015Supplementation of apelin increase plasma levels of nesfatin-1 in normal and DOCA-salt hypertensive ratsAkcilar, R.; Ayada, C.; Turgut, Günfer ; Turgut, Sebahat 
102020Suppression of inflammatory cytokines expression with bitter melon (Momordica charantia) in TNBS-instigated ulcerative colitisSemiz, Aslı ; Acar, Özden Özgün ; Çetin, Hülya ; Semiz, Gürkan ; Şen, Alaattin 
112006Surface plasmon resonance-based molecular detection of Hb S [ß6(A3)Glu›Val, GAG›GTG] at the gene levelAtalay, Erol Ömer ; Üstel, E.; Yildiz, S.; Atalay, Ayfer 
16322018Surrogate biomarkers for monitoring healthcare quality for chronic diseases such as diabetes careAslan, Diler 
932015Suspension of Arthroderma and Trichophyton species in RPMI-1640 medium provided long-term viability at room temperatureErgin, Çağrı ; Ilkit, M.
942014Sülfit Molekülünün İnsan Nöroblastom Hücrelerinde (SHSY5Y) Yeni Bir Onkogen Olan URG4/URGCP Geni Üzerinden Olası Etki Mekanizmasının AraştırılmasıDodurga, Yavuz ; Eroğlu, Canan; Bağcı, Gülseren 
152008Sülfitin ortalama eritrosit hacmi, ortalama eritrosit hemoglobin konsantrasyonu ve eritrosit içi kalsiyum düzeyine in vitro etkisiBor-Küçükatay, Mlek ; Küçükatay, Vural ; Ağar, Aysel; Başkurt, Oğuz Kerim
162022Swimming exercise restores damaging effects of fructose-enriched diet on the liver in ratsAltintas, Fatih ; Caliskan S. ; Ozmen O.; Kilic-Toprak E. 
172012The Synergistic effect of fotemustine and genistein on expressions of p53, EGFR and COX-2 genes in human glioblastoma multiforme cell lineAvcı, C.B.; Dodurga, Yavuz ; Oktar, N.; Yilmaz Süslüer, S.; Doğan Şigva, Z.O.; Gündüz, C.
182009Synthesis and biological activity evaluation of 1H-benzimidazoles via mammalian DNA topoisomerase I and cytostaticity assaysCoban, G.; Zencir, Sevil ; Zupkó, I.; Réthy, B.; Gunes, H.S.; Topcu, Z.
192019Synthesis and initial evaluation of efficacy of olean-12-en-28-ol, 3 beta-pentacosanoate for the symptomatic treatment of multiple sclerosisSen, A ; Senol, H ; Acar, Özden Özgün ; Kale, Elif; Dag, A; Topcu, G
202023Synthesis, characterization and investigation of photochemical and in vitro antiproliferative properties of novel Zn(II) phthalocyanineBaygu Y. ; Kabay N. ; Kabay B. ; Yıldız B.; Ömeroğlu İ.; Durmuş M.; Rıza Karagür E.; Akca, Hakan ; Ergin, Cagri ; Gok, Yasar