Showing results 1 to 20 of 32
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2018 | A 10 Years Evaluation of Sea Turtle Rescue and Rehabilitation Activities in Sea Turtle Research, Rescue and Rehabilitation Center (DEKAMER), Dalyan-Turkey | Kaska, Yakup ; Şahin, Barbaros ; Başkale, Eyüp ; Sözbilen, Doğan |
2012 | Alteration of drug metabolizing enzymes in sulphite oxidase deficiency | Tutuncu, Begüm; Küçükatay, Vural ; Arslan, Şevki ; Şahin, Barbaros ; Semiz, Aslı ; Şen, Alaattin |
2012 | Aluminium sulphate exposure increases oxidative stress and suppresses brain development in ross broiler chicks | Oguz, Emin Oğuzhan ; Enli, Yaşar ; Şahin, Barbaros ; Gönen, Cafer ; Turgut, Günfer |
2015 | Application of Natural Plant Extracts to Normal Medical Treatment Process of Injured Sea Turtles | Mammadov, Ramazan ; Düşen, Olcay ; Düşen, Serdar ; Gediz, Çağrı; Turan, Murat; Deniz, Nagehan; Şahin, Barbaros ; Sözbilen, Doğan ; Kaska, Yakup |
2018 | Applying Ambar Resin And Beewax To Normal Medical Treatment Process Of Injured Loggerhead Sea Turtles | Şahin, Barbaros ; Sözbilen, Doğan ; Başkale, Eyüp ; Katılmış, Yusuf |
2017 | Bacteria induced extrinsic and intrinsic apoptotic pathways in the rat gastrointestinal system | Mete, Ergün ; Cevahir, Nural ; Oğuz, Emin Oğuzhan ; Şahin, Barbaros ; Kaleli, İlknur ; Özdemir, Mehmet Bülent ; Köseler, Aylin |
2014 | Cardioprotective effect of clarithromycin on Doxorubicin-induced cardiac toxicity in rats | Doğan, Mustafa ; Fırıncı, Fatih ; Balcı, Yasemin I.; Gürses, Dolunay ; Polat, Aziz ; Ma Özdemir, Özmert; Enli, Yaşar ; Akbulut, Metin ; Şahin, Barbaros |
2015 | Deneysel Staphylococcus aureus Yumuşak Doku Enfeksiyonlarında İbuprofenin Yara İyileşmesi Üzerindeki Etkisinin Araştırılması | Çitil, M. Uğur ; Mete, Ergun ; Oğuz, E.Oğuzhan ; Abban, Gülçin Mete ; Sahin, Barbaros ; Kaleli, İlknur |
2021 | Dose-dependent effects of adalimumab in neonatal rats with hypoxia/reoxygenation-induced intestinal damage | Kocamaz, Halil ; Ozdemir, Ozmert ; Turk, Nilay Sen ; Enli, Yasar ; Sahin, Barbaros ; Ergin, Hacer |
2020 | Effect of bevacizumab and everolimus combination treatment on peritoneal sclerosis in an experimental rat model | Açıkgöz Mert, Gizem Sultan ; Çeri, Mevlüt ; Çalli Demirkan, Neşe ; Şahin, Barbaros ; Mert, Mehmet ; Dursun, Belda |
2013 | Effect of menopause diabetes and steroid on tissue reaction induced by polypropylene monofilament type I mesh experimental study in rat models | Karabulut, Aysun ; Abban Mete, Gülçin ; Akyer, Şahika Pınar ; Şahin, Barbaros |
2018 | The effect of vascular graft and human umbilical cord blood-derived CD34+ stem cell on peripheral nerve healing | Yilmaz, A.; Topcu, A.; Erdoğan, Çağdaş ; Sahin, B. ; Abban, G.; Coskun, E. ; Ozkul, A. |
2016 | Effectiveness of palatal mucosa graft in surgical treatment of sub-glottic stenosis | Aydoğmuş, Ümit ; Topkara, Adem; Akbulut, Metin ; Özkan, Adem; Türk, Figen ; Şahin, Barbaros ; Yuncu, G. |
2020 | Effects of autogenous tooth bone graft and platelet-rich fibrin in peri-implant defects: An experimental study in an animal model | Kızıldağ, Alper ; Taşdemir, Ufuk ; Arabacı, T.; Kızıldag, C.A.; Albayrak, M.; Şahin, Barbaros |
2019 | The effects of bosentan on hyperoxia-induced lung injury in neonatal rats | Özdemir, Özmert M.A. ; Taban, Özgün ; Enli, Yaşar ; Bir, Ferda ; Şahin, Barbaros ; Ergin, Hacer |
2014 | Effects of menopause, diabetes mellitus and steroid use on type I mesh-induced tissue reaction in a rat model | Karabulut, A.; Akyer, Şahika Pınar ; Abban Mete, Gülçin ; Şahin, Barbaros |
Feb-2012 | Histochemical demonstration of mucosubstances in the mouse gastrointestinal tract treated with Origanum hypericifolium O. Schwartz and P.H. Davis extract | Keskin, Nazan ; İli, Pınar ; Şahin, Barbaros |
2015 | Investigation of the effect of ibuprofen on wound healing in experimental Staphylococcus aureus soft tissue infections | Çitil, Mahmut Uğur ; Mete, Ergün ; Oğuz, Emin Oğuzhan ; Abban Mete, Gülçin ; Şahin, Barbaros ; Kaleli, İlknur |
2019 | Investigation the effect of Hypericum perforatum on corneal alkali burns | Yılmaz, Uğur ; Kaya, Hüseyin ; Turan, Murat; Bir, Ferda ; Şahin, Barbaros |
2010 | A lectin histochemical study of the skin treated with Origanum hypericifolium essential oil in mice | İli, Pınar ; Keskin, Nazan ; Çelik, Ali ; Şahin, Barbaros |