10.05. Food Engineering

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10.05. Food Engineering

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 1-20 of 396 (Search time: 0.047 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12024Acorn (Quercus ithaburensis) Flour's effect on the physicochemical, textural, and sensory characteristics of raw and cooked beef meatballsAkcan, T.; Önel, E.; Ergezer, H. 
22017Acorn (Quercus spp.) as a novel source of oleic acid and tocopherols for livestock and humans: discrimination of selected species from Mediterranean forestAkcan, Tolga; Gökçe, Ramazan ; Asensio, M.; Estévez, M.; Morcuende, D.
32016Aflatoxin M1 contaminations in mouldy cheeseÖzgören, Ezgi ; Kemal Seçkin, A.
42006Aflatoxins, patulin and ergosterol contents of dried figs in TurkeyKaraca, Hakan ; Nas, Sebahattin 
52002Afyon' da büyük kapasiteli et işletmelerinde üretilen sucuk örneklerinin bazı mikrobiyolojik özelliklerinin periyodik olarak belirlenmesiÇon, Ahmet Hilmi ; Doğu, Mebrure; Gökalp, Hüsnü Yusuf
62004Alabalıkların (O.Mykiss w., 1792) donma ve çözünme süreleri üzerine dondurma sıcaklığı ve hava sirkülasyonunun etkileriEkinci, Raci ; Yapar, Aydın 
72004An alternative method for the determination of element concentrations in schizophrenic, lung cancer and leukaemia patient bloodsEkinci, Raci ; Ekinci, N.
82021Ambalajlama Tekniği ve Depolama Koşullarının Ceviz İçi Kalitesi Üzerine EtkisiGüler, Buse; Karaca, Hakan 
92013Analysis of soil from the black sea region of Northern Turkey using energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometryEkinci, Raci ; Dogan, B.; Ekinci, N.; Bilyeu, B.; Jones, R.
102004Analysis of trace elements in medicinal plants with energy dispersive X-ray fluorescenceEkinci, N.; Ekinci, Raci ; Polat, R.; Budak, G.
112001Antagonistic effect on Listeria monocytogenes and L. innocua of a bacteriocin-like metabolite produced by lactic acid bacteria isolated from sucukÇon, Ahmet Hilmi ; Gökalp, H.Y.; Kaya, M.
122019Antioxidant activity and identification of food proteins by digestive enzyme supplementation and fermentation with Lactobacillus kefiriAyrancı, Ufuk Gökçe.; Şeker, A.; Arısoy, S.; Çimen, H.; Üstün-Aytekin, Ö.
132005Antioxidant activity of water-soluble Maillard reaction productsYılmaz, Yusuf ; Toledo, R.
142009Antioxidant activity, phenolic content, and peroxide value of essential oil and extracts of some medicinal and aromatic plants used as condiments and herbal teas in TurkeyÖzcan, M.M.; Erel, O.; Herken, Emine Nur. 
152018Antioxidant and antimicrobial potential of artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) extract in beef pattiesErgezer, Haluk ; Kaya, H.I.; ŞiMşek, Ö.
162018Antioxidant potential of artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) byproducts extracts in raw beef patties during refrigerated storageErgezer, Haluk ; Serdaroğlu, M.
172015Application of ultrasound in food dryingTüfekçi, Senem ; Özkal, Sami Gökhan 
182006Applications of high hydrostatic pressure in the food industryTülek, Yahya ; Filizay, Gökçe
192009Arylesterase and paraoxonase-1 activities in female patients with temporomandibular disordersEtöz, O.A.; Ataoglu, H.; Herken, Emine Nur. ; Çelik, H.
202017Assessment of the antimicrobial, antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of the wild edible mushroom Agaricus lanipes (F.H. Møller & Jul. Schäff.) HlavácekKaygusuz, Oğuzhan ; Kaygusuz, Meruyert ; Dodurga, Yavuz ; Seçme, Mücahit ; Herken, Emine Nur ; Gezer, Kutret