10.05. Food Engineering

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10.05. Food Engineering

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 161-180 of 396 (Search time: 0.02 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1612011Effects of gluten and emulsifier on some properties of erite prepared with legume floursBilgiçli, N.; Demir, M.K.; Ertaş, N.; Herken, Emine Nur 
1622021EFFECTS OF HIBISCUS (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) AND POPPY (Papaver rhoeas L.) EXTRACTS ON DOUGH AND BREAD PROPERTIESÇelik, İlyas ; Göncü, Ali
1632024Effects of High Concentration-Short Time and Low Concentration-Long Time Ozone Treatments on Growth and Aflatoxin B1 Production of Aspergillus flavus in Red PepperÖzel, Metehan; Karaca, Hakan 
1652018The effects of inulin and fructo-oligosaccharide on the probiotic properties of Lactobacillus spp. isolated from human milkTulumoglu, S.; Erdem, Belgin; Şimşek, Ömer 
1662020Effects of ozone and chlorine washes and subsequent cold storage on microbiological quality and shelf life of fresh parsley leavesKaraca, Hakan ; Velioglu, Y.S.
167-Effects of ozone treatment on microbiological quality and physicochemical properties of Turkey breast meatAyrancı, Ufuk Gökçe ; Özünlü, Orhan; Ergezer, Haluk ; Karaca, Hakan 
1682014Effects of ozone treatments on microbial quality and some chemical properties of lettuce, spinach, and parsleyKaraca, Hakan ; Velioglu, Y.S.
1692018The effects of ozone-enriched storage atmosphere on pesticide residues and physicochemical properties of table grapesKaraca, Hakan 
1702018Effects of ozone-enriched storage atmosphere on postharvest quality of black mulberry fruits (Morus nigra L.)Tabakoğlu, Nadide; Karaca, H. 
1712019Effects of pomegranate peel supplementation on chemical, physical, and nutritional properties of muffin cakesTopkaya, Cansu; Işık, Fatma 
1722014The effects of potato puree and bread crumbs on some quality characteristics of low fat meatballsErgezer, Haluk ; Akcan, Tolga; Lu, M.S.
1732022Effects of pseudocereal flours addition on chemical and physical properties of gluten-free crackersTurk Aslan, Sinem ; Isik, Fatma 
142012Effects of rearing systems on performance, egg characteristics and immune response in two layer hen genotypeKüçükyilmaz, K.; Bozkurt, M.; Herken, Emine Nur ; Çinar, M.; Çatl, A.U.; Bintaş, E.; Çöven, F.
152021The effects of ropy exopolysaccharide-producing Lactiplantibacillus plantarum strains on tarhana qualityTasdelen, Elif; Simsek, Omer 
162006Effects of salt and phosphate levels on the emulsion properties of fresh and frozen hen meatsArslan, Seher 
172023The effects of select stabilizers addition on physicochemical, textural, microstructural and sensory properties of ice creamDemir, Sule; Arslan, Seher 
182003Effects of soy milk incorporation on some physico-chemical and sensory properties, colour intensity and the cost of Kashar cheeseGökçe, Ramazan ; Gürsoy, Oğuz
192014Effects of temperature and packaging types on ergosterol and Howard mold count values of tomato paste during storageEkinci, Raci ; Kadakal, Çetin ; Otag, Mustafa
202005The effects of the addition of baker's yeast on the functional properties and quality of tarhana, a traditional fermented foodÇelik, İlyas ; Işik, Fatma ; Şimşek, Ömer ; Gürsoy, Oğuz