14.03. Basic Medical Sciences

Organization name
14.03. Basic Medical Sciences
Parent OrgUnit

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 1381-1400 of 1755 (Search time: 0.032 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
13812002Prevalence of dermatomycoses in Mal de Meleda patients: A field studyErgin, Çağrı ; Ergin, Şeniz ; Arıkan, Sevtap
13822019The prevalence of mixed genotype infections in Turkish patients with hepatitis C: A multicentered assessmentKulah, C.; Altindis, M.; Akyar, I.; Gokahmetoglu, S.; Sayiner, A.; Kaleli, İlknur. ; Fidan, I.
13832007The prevalence, aetiological agents and therapy of onychomycosis in patients with psoriasis: A prospective controlled trialKaçar, Nida ; Ergin, Şeniz ; Ergin, Çağrı ; Erdogan, Berna Şanlı ; Kaleli, İlknur 
13842011Preventive effects of vitamin e against oxidative damage in aged diabetic rat bladdersAybek, Hülya ; Aybek, Zafer ; Abban, G.; Rota, S. 
13852011Primer sjögren sendromlu hastalarda inhibitör kappa b alfa promotor polimorfizmlerinin araştırılmasıKavalcı, Emine 
13862004Production by Escherichia coli isolates of siderophore and other virulence factors and their pathogenic role in a cutaneous infection modelDemir, Melek ; Kaleli, İlknur 
13872024Profiling of Toll-like Receptors and Related Signaling Mediators in the Pathogenesis of MorpheaCelik, Hilal Ayvaz; Gurbuz, Nilgun; Turantepe, Ergin; Secme, Muecahit; Dodurga, Yavuz 
13882014Promoter hypermethylation-mediated down-regulation of RUNX3 gene in human brain tumorsAvci, C.B.; Dodurga, Yavuz ; Susluer, S.Y.; Sigva, Z.O.D.; Yucebas, M.; Caglar, H.O.; Akalin, T.
13892003Protecting against genetic diseasesTomatir, A.G. 
13902010The protection of the myocardium by amifostine against mitoxantrone-induced acute cardiotoxicity in ratsKadiköylü, V.G.; Meteoglu, I.; Demir, Süleyman ; Aybek, Hülya ; Kalak, M.; Balkaya, M.; Yenisey, Ç.; Bolaman, Zahit
13912013The protective effect of docosahexaenoic acid on the bilirubin neurotoxicityBecerir, Cem ; Kılıç, İlknur ; Şahin, Özlem ; Özdemir, Özmert ; Tokgün, Onur ; Özdemir, Bülent ; Akca, Hakan 
13922014Protective effect of esterified glucomannan on aflatoxin-induced changes in testicular function, sperm quality, and seminal plasma biochemistry in ramsAtaman, M.B.; Dönmez, H.H.; Dönmez, N.; Sur, E.; Bucak, M.N.; Çoyan, Kenan 
13932012Protective effect of insulin and glucose at different concentrations on penicillin-induced astrocyte death on the primer astroglial cell lineÖzdemir, Mehmet Bülent ; Akça, Hakan ; Erdoğan, Çağdaş ; Tokgün, Onur ; Demiray, Aydın ; Fenkçi, Semin Melahat ; Becerir, Cem 
13942024Protective effect of mesenchymal stem cells and melatonin on testicular torsion-induced infertilityNeşet, Gül; Çil, Nazlı ; Mete, Gülçin Abban 
13952012Protective effects of cilostazol and levosimendan on lung injury induced by lower limb ischemia-reperfusionÖnem, Gökhan ; Saçar, Mustafa ; Aybek, Hülya ; Kocamaz, Erdoğan ; Adali, F.; Saçkan, Kadir Gökhan ; Baltalarlı, Ahmet 
162016Protective effects of the antioxidants curcumin, ellagic acid and methionine on motility, mitochondrial transmembrane potential, plasma membrane and acrosome integrity in freeze-thawed Merino ram spermOmur, A.D.; Çoyan, Kenan. 
172020Protective effects of vitamin E on aluminium sulphate-induced testicular damageUlfanov, O.; Cil, N. ; Adıgüzel, Esat 
182022PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA İZOLATLARININ ANTİBİYOTİK DİRENCİ VE YILLAR İÇİNDEKİ DEĞİŞİMİKaleli, İlknur ; Demir, Melek ; Öner, Sedef Zeliha ; Mete, Ergün ; Ergin, Çağrı ; Çalışkan, Ahmet 
191998Psoriasis ve hepatit C virus infeksiyonuAktan, Şebnem; Kaleli, İlknur ; Şanlı, Berna ; İnanır, Işıl
202001Psoriasisde serum TNF-alfa düzeyleriErdoğan, Şanlı Berna ; Aktan, Şebnem; Demir, Süleyman ; Uz, Nuran