10.05. Food Engineering

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10.05. Food Engineering

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 41-60 of 396 (Search time: 0.016 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
412012Chemical composition, fatty acid profile and colour of broiler meat as affected by organic and conventional rearing systemsKüçükyilmaz, K.; Bozkurt, M.; Çatli, A.U.; Herken, Emine Nur ; Çinar, M.; Bintaş, E.
422016Chemical composition, nutritional value and in vitro starch digestibility of roasted chickpeasSimsek, Senay; Herken, Emine Nur ; Ovando-Martinez, M.
432024Chemical, physical and sensory properties of gluten-free potato crackers supplemented with cowpea, faba bean and mung bean floursAslan, S.T. ; Isik, F. 
452016Chlorophylls reductions in fresh-cut chard (Beta vulgaris var. cicla) with various sanitizing agentsKaraca, Hakan ; Sevilgen, Özlem; Konar, Nevzat; Velioglu, Yakup Sedat
462024A classification based on support vector machines for monitoring avocado fruit qualityElbi, Mehmet Doğan ; Çapraz, Ezgi Özgören ; Şahin, Emre ; Koyuncuoğlu, Mehmet Ulaş ; Tuncer, Can
472021Classification of raw cow milk using information fusion frameworkPolat, Olcay ; Akcok, Seda Gokce; Akbay, Mehmet Anil; Topaloglu, Duygu; Arslan, Seher ; Kalayci, Can Berk 
482020Color and Ascorbic Acid Degradation Kinetics of Red Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Slices during Vacuum DryingDemiray, Engin ; Tülek, Yahya 
492015Color degradation kinetics of carrot (daucus carota L.) slices during hot air dryingDemiray, Engin ; Tülek, Yahya 
502009Combined effect of pH and heat treatment on degradation of aflatoxins in dried figsKaraca, H. ; Nas, S. 
512005Combustion of bioDiesel fuel produced from hazelnut soapstock/waste sunflower oil mixture in a Diesel engineUsta, Nazım ; Öztürk, Erkan ; Can, Özer ; Çonkur, Erdinç Şahin ; Nas, Sebahattin ; Çon, Ahmet Hilmi ; Can, A.Ç.
122015Comparative study of sugars, organic acids and trans-resveratrol in red and white grapes grown in Denizli region, TurkeyOtağ, Mustafa Remzi; Kadakal, Çetin 
132017Comparison of lactic acid bacteria diversity during the fermentation of Tarhana produced at home and on a commercial scaleŞimşek, Ömer ; Özel, Serap; Çon, A.H.
142011Comparison of marinating with two different types of marinade on some quality and sensory characteristics of Turkey breast meatErgezer, H. ; Gökçe, Ramazan 
152011Comparison of Marinating with Two Different Types of Marinade on Some Quality and Sensory Characteristics Turkey Breast MeatErgezer, Haluk ; Gokce, Ramazan 
162022Comparison of quality characteristics of muffins produced with einkorn, whole grain and white wheat floursIşık, Fatma ; Özgören, Ezgi ; Sola, Yağmur
172021Comparison of the Oil Quality of Light and Dark Walnuts under Different Storage ConditionsYildiz, Aysun Yurdunuseven ; Karaca, Hakan 
182022Comparison of the probiotic characteristics of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) isolated from sourdough and infant fecesKaya, Yasemin; Erten, Tayyibe; Vurmaz, Melike; Ispirli, Humeyra; Simsek, Omer ; Dertli, Enes
192012The constituents of essential oil: Antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of micromeria congesta boiss. & hausskn. ex boiss. from east AnatoliaHerken, Emine Nur ; Çelik, Ali ; Aslan, M.; Aydınlık, Nilüfer
202013Constituents, oxidant-antioxidant profile, and antimicrobial capacity of the essential oil obtained from ferulago sandrasica Peşmen and QuézelÇelik, Ali ; Arslan, İdris ; Herken, Emine Nur ; Ermiş, Ahmet